About WaterHorse Artistry
Wild & whimsical art by Merry Moonhawk.
Inspired by magick, folklore & the natural world.
Hi! I’m Meredith - or 'Merry'.
I’m a full-time freelance artist residing and creating in Bedfordshire, England - although I dream that someday I’ll live and work by the sea.
I work mostly in colour pencils (Prismacolors are my weapon of choice), but I occasionally dabble in watercolours, acrylics and pastels when the fancy strikes me.
My creativity has always been inspired by nature - wildlife, trees, plants, the changing seasons, the elements, and everything else that goes with them. I draw ideas from walking in the local woods behind my house, as well as visiting and exploring remote, wild and ancient places. I often go out looking for animals, trees and other curiosities that I can weave into a new creation. I’m also fascinated by mythology, folklore and ancient wisdom traditions, as well as ideas of magick and mysticism.
All these weird and wonderful things are what feed my soul, and they inform and inspirit everything I do in my work.

My Journey
Indie creator, illustrator, wordsmith, thinker, academic. Self-contained paradox & dreamscape voyager. Stoic believer in magick.
My real name is Dani Charis Hawkyard, but I choose to create and share my creations under the name Meredith Moonhawk - 'Merry', for short. I don't really recall when I started to draw; it's just something that's always been there - sort of like an old friend that you grew up with but you don't remember where or how you met. I studied Fine Art all the way through school to A Level, but my life took a detour when I went to university - I chose to follow another passion and study a BSc in Equine Science at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester.
After graduating with a First Class Honours degree, I retraced my steps and set up WaterHorse Artistry as a part-time venture in 2014. I then worked for several years, first as a groom and then as a veterinary receptionist, and kept WaterHorse Artistry ticking along in the background as a sort-of 'hobby' project.
However, towards the later part of 2019, I was lucky enough that things fell together in such a way that I was able to make WaterHorse Artistry my full-time work. I now operate out of a studio at home, creating original artwork and completing commissions, and attending markets, fairs and events whenever I can.
Alongside my work, I am also studying a Masters degree in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred at Canterbury Christ Church University. There's a hugely creative element to the course, which often worms its way into my artwork and has proven to be incredibly valuable.
I've realised over the last few years that life is too short to be anything less than authentic, so I'm making a point out of throwing everything (kitchen sink included) into doing what I love. I'm very lucky to have reached a position where I'm able to do that.
I'm captivated by people, things & places that I find inspirational, like the multi-talented late David Bowie, the works of J.R.R.Tolkien, and all the spaces that are still truly wild in our domesticated world. I live for adventure and desire to find the traces of magick woven within the dull fabric of reality. Join me, won't you?
“I get up every morning determined to both change the world & have one hell of a good time.
Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.”
~ E.B.White